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  • 透過接觸不同的航空範疇及領域,擴闊及啟發年青人對航空的認識。

  • 培養年青人對航空的興趣及航空知識的追求。

  • 加深社會對航空專業的認識。

  • 組織、成立及推廣航空有關的講座、獎學金、資肋計劃及獎項等等。

  • 提供專業航空課程,成為本地專上教育畢業生投身航空專業的踏台階。






香港青年航空學會(HKYAA )由一班現職於香港航空業的專業人仕所組成。藉著分享他們的專業知識及經驗,希望可以裝備香港年青人投身航空業。



2012 is an important year to many of us. A group of enthusiastic aviators sharing the same dream came together and decided to realize this dream for the next generation of Hong Kong.

Quickly, the action was echoed throughout the aviation field in Hong Kong. Professionals from many sectors in the industry reached out their helping hands, together we formed the HONG KONG YOUTH AVIATION ACADEMY, HKYAA. Today, there are already more than 40 volunteer instructors in the HKYAA giving our best to the dream: To Inspire, To Teach.

Hong Kong people are famous for our diligence and smartness. Many youngsters have the potential and right qualities to take up a role in the aviation industry. HKYAA will inspire them, remove the bounds and help setting their potential free. HKYAA does not believe in spoon-feeding, it teaches students to look around, listen out, solve problems, express themselves and find their own ways to success.

HKYAA does not belong to one group of people, the success of it belongs to all the devoted instructors and students. I would like to use this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation for my colleagues in the HKYAA. Together, we make the future of Hong Kong Aviation. Together, we write the aviation history and year 2012 will be an important chapter in our children’s history books.

Captian Patrick Lau, President, HKYAA

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